SUNSTONE Project kicks off with first GA
- 30 July 2024
The SUNSTONE Project officially commenced with its first General Assembly (GA) on 5 July 2024, bringing together key partners and stakeholders to launch this ambitious initiative.
SUNSTONE aims to reinforce the SESAME (Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) facility, a pivotal research infrastructure serving eight member countries—Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine, and Turkey—while also extending its focus towards Africa.
The project involves eight major European and Middle Eastern research infrastructures and organizations, with the Paul Scherrer Institut as an associate participant. The project's primary goal is to enhance SESAME's scientific capabilities, service provision, and international standing. This includes strengthening SESAME's role as a leading research facility and an international hub of research and excellence.
Building on previous achievements and existing partnerships, SUNSTONE aims to consolidate and expand the strong ties between European facilities, SESAME, and their user communities. As an associate of The League of European Accelerator-based Photon Sources (LEAPS), SESAME maintains robust connections with Europe. Additionally, SESAME's outreach to Africa is supported by the membership of Egypt and ongoing collaborations with African entities, aiming to advance African scientific growth and capacity enhancement.
During the GA, participants outlined the project's goals, strategies and timelines, emphasizing collaboration and innovation. This initial meeting set a solid foundation for the project, ensuring all partners are aligned and ready to tackle the ambitious targets ahead.
More updates coming soon, stay tuned!